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Home of the epic, UK dance fitness class "Clubbercise", bought to you right here in Christchurch, NZ!  It's time to ENJOY your exercise, have FUN while doing it and work towards becoming IBIZAFIT!

Join Our Glow Squad!

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(Christchurch New Zealand)

Clubbercise - a group fitness class in a dark, night club setting to a playlist of the best club anthems from the 90’s till now!  A fusion of aerobic, dance, toning and combat moves that will be sure to leave you GLOWing!  Did we mention the rave paint and LED Clubbercise branded, battery operated, reusable glowsticks and neon rave paint? Yup! We have those too!

All fitness levels are welcome, low impact options are always demonstrated and you're welcome to "glow your own way" and freestyle whenever you feel the need!

Is Clubbing about to become your new cardio??

First class trial is just $5, 

or try a week of classes for just $10 (includes your glowstick hire)

Come and lose yourself on the dance floor and work towards becoming IBIZAFIT, Woop Woop!

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Certified Level 4 & 5 Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor, PN Level 1 Nutrition Coach

Lose your muscles, lose your marbles!”

Building physical strength helps build mental resilience.

I work with clients who have goals to “lose weight” or “tone up”, other clients with specific sporting goals and also clients who just want to live long, healthy, pain free, ACTIVE lives; ready to face anything that comes their way.  I love working with all of them!

Fun fact!  Resistance training (specifically overloading the muscles) releases amazing chemicals through your hormonal system that act like fertiliser for your brain which means not only do you gain physical strength by working your muscles but you help prevent the brain from deteriorating, which can also prevent the onset of dementia!!!

I LOVE how exercise can be a preventative to the old person trying to move into your body! If you’re ready to invest in your future self, then please get in touch, I would love to meet you for a free initial consultation!

I have a lovely home based office and PT Studio in Lincoln - no gym membership required.


The Story Behind Our Name

Exercise can be FUN & EXCITING!

Ibiza isn't just about legendary parties, It's a total vibe!

We've blended the magic of Ibiza with awesome exercise programmes, guaranteeing a workout that'll have your endorphins dancing and dopamine pumping.

Say goodbye to the regular gym blues and hello to the euphoria of a natural high!

The secret to unlocking your inner party animal? The more classes you conquer, the closer you get to being officially "IbizaFit"!

IbizaFit was established in 2021. After 3 years of Clubbercise Classes in Christchurch, Chloe was excited to introduce more group fitness class concepts PLUS the opening of her home based PT Studio created a need for a business name, a name that would best describe our unique nightclub, group fitness setting and give an active "beachy" lifestyle vibe and so, IbizaFit was born!

We encourage all fitness levels to join our squad and GLOW with confidence in our awesome nightclub setting, or invest in Personal Exercise or Nutrition Coaching to level up your lifestyle!

Join us in our journey of being Healthy, Fit & Strong for Life... become IbizaFit!

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Certified Level 4 & 5 Personal Trainer & NZIHF Weight Management Coach

I'm passionate about helping people maintain their quality of life, to keep them doing what they love for as long as possible. I also love to help my clients create sustainable, healthy eating habits, all without turning their world upside down.

Various peer reviewed studies have identified 3 key markers for lower mortality risk and greater quality of life:

• Strength

• VO2Max (the optimum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise)

• A Balanced Diet

...and I can help improve all three of these with you!

I can help you become FITTER & STRONGER.

Increasing and maintaining muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness will…

• Relieve & rehabilitate joint/body pains & strains

• Maintain healthy heart and lungs

• Keep your bones strong & help to prevent osteoporosis

• Increase your metabolism

• Improve sporting performance

Plus so much more! All of these benefits will leave you feeling energised, more confident & better equipped to have a fabulous quality of life, for longer. It’s never too late to start.

If you're ready to make a change to your health and wellness, I would love to chat more with you about your goals. I offer an initial consultation free of charge.

Phone: 0212368218


I look forward to hearing from you

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Have questions about Personal Exercise Coaching, Nutrition Coaching, IbizaFit classes, IbizaBooty Camp or interested in joining our GLOW Squad?
Please reach out — we’re happy to help.

Christchurch South Intermediate (Hall) &  Rolleston Primary School (Hall).  Christchurch, New Zealand


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