Clubber Chloe Bodger
Owner of IbizaFit,
Certified L4, Personal Exercise Coach
Clubbercise Instructor
I LOVE to dance, at a party or in a club, you will always find me on the dancefloor! My favourite music is EDM (electronic dance music), because it makes me want to DANCE and dancing makes me happy!!
I hold a lifelong passionate of health and fitness and have always loved group fitness classes.
I have competed in body building physique competitions in the past and while I wouldn't compete again, what I learned about my body and what I was capable of doing with discipline and determination was priceless.
So, how did I end up here?
I have a darling friend who would always take the mickey out of me, insisting that when I dance, I look like I'm doing aerobics! This same friend spotted Clubbercise on Facebook and tagged me in a post saying "This is so you!" and she was so right! I took one look and knew that this was my future!
I contacted Clubbercise in the UK, did my fitness papers at AUT and off I flew for a weekend in the Gold Coast, Australia, to become a Clubbercise instructor!
Since then, I have also introduced new group fitness class concepts to the Club and have furthered my study to become a certified level 3 & 4 Personal Trainer.
What I love most about what I do is the incredible people I meet. I feel so fortunate to have such an amazing Glow Squad of Clubbers, Ravers and Boxers at all different stages of their fitness journey and who have chosen Ibizafit for so many different reasons but all come together in this awesome judgement free space to club, rave, box and Woop Woop!
When I'm not at the IbizaFit club, I am spending time with my beautiful family, I have 2 gorgeous children, a wonderful husband and a dog (Border Terrier) named Jed.
I love Summer time, I love the beach, I love to read and, just in case you haven't picked up on it yet, I love to DANCE!